This was my first season with Celtic Fire a C & C
 35' MK III sailing on Lake Ontario.
 I have a folding prop Prop (Flexofold 2 blade 16 R).
 That does not open up all the way when the boat is moving,
 when this happens it creates a lot of vibration.
 This problem does not happen when I leave the dock and start
 from a standing still.
 I wonder if anyone else has experienced a similar problem
 and found a solution.
I have the same boat (35-3)and the same prop.  I rarely encoun ter the problem, 
however increasing revs briefly always solves the issue and is softer on the 
drive train than momentary reverse and then forward. I am sure you have noticed 
that it is wise to put the gears into reverse when sailing to avoid 
freewheeling which also can cause a vibration.  Hope you love your boat as it 
is one sweet sailboat.
Howard Paul,
Skipper of Knot Again

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