

We each have the option to change our email settings so the original message 
string is not included in the new email when we reply to a message. That would 
eliminate all the repeated information and the very long message strings that 
cause so much trouble and band width cost for Stu.


Sometimes I like to include all or part of the message to which I am 
responding, so others will know the context of my email. I find that I am 
frequently not responding to the last message on a given topic. But, hey, I’m 
old and forget to delete all the unwanted part of the string.


My problem with a forum is that I need to find the time to go look at it and 
see what is being discussed. Messages from the list, OTOH, are in my inbox and 
actually give me something to look forward to when I open my email.


Rick Brass


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Robert Boyer 
via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 8:56 PM
Subject: Stus-List Email List or Forum


Stu's original listing was copied and resent 11 times in 12 messages!   It is 
completely unnecessary and would probably be eliminated in a forum format.  



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