Hi Wal.

I missed the Mercy Christmas wishes to you... but I will join the crowd in wishing you a Happy New Year and Welcome Back.

No surprise on the number o' messages. I think it's from scourge of "smart phones" (which are really kinda dumb, but a whole 'nother topic).

Anyhow, a bunch of listers reply with single points now, instead of compiling their thoughts into a message which considers the whole problem expressed.

Beware. I believe Jim & I have been moved to dinosaur status. :)  <VBG>

        Cheers & Happy New Year, Russ
        Sweet 35 mk-1

At 01:23 PM 03/01/2016, you wrote:
Hey, Happy Holidays. Yes, I've been AWOL. I've had messages pile up, but 818 on this list has to be a record. I'll do a quick scan and see if I have anything to add.

2015 was a weird year, with surgeries and pregnant women and lots of tequila and market corrections and stuff. I'm hoping 2016 will be better, although in retrospect I'm still living a life most only dream of.


s/v Stella Blue


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