I forgot to mention that operating the outhaul under load almost always
requires easing the mainsheet.  Since the mainsheet is already pulling the
leach tight (hypotenus) there is no room to extend the foot (base).  When
you tighten the foot (either with a reefing line or the outhaul) the
mainsheet has to let the boom "come up" to meet the clew since the leach is
a fixed length.  This is also why raising the mainsail requires loosing the
mainsheet prior to fully tightening the halyard.

A coordinated "pinch up" can make this adjustment pretty quick and
effortlessly.  Have the helm pinch up.  Easy the mainsheet.  Pull the
outhaul.   Harden the mainsheet and/or traveller up.  Helm fall back off to
a beat.

On Apr 3, 2016 11:00 AM, "Bev Parslow via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>

> I am washing, cleaning all the lines on the boat. The outhaul on the boom
> always seems to be stiff. Can we make it more user friendly? Smaller lines?
> Get rid of the wire?
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This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you like 
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