Modern 12 volt stereos have 2 positive power wires. One gets connected to a constant source that remains live even when everything in the boat is turned off to maintain all the settings and the clock. The other provides the main power to operate the unit when the power circuit on the boat is turned on. My guess is that for whatever reason, only one of these wires is getting power. I would start by disconnecting BOTH power wires for a few minutes and then reconnecting them. That will reset the memory, and it may revive the set. There are likely inline fuses on both power leads. See if either fuse is blown. Sometimes just the act of twisting the inline fuse holder to open it cleans the contacts inside and everything will suddenly start working again, even though all you did was take them apart and then reassemble them. If you have bundled and tied all of the wires together tightly, a power wire may be being pulled too tight causing it to disconnect inside of an inline fuse holder.

Bill Bina

On 4/13/2016 5:30 PM, David via CnC-List wrote:
I stink at wiring so...

Installed new stereo last year. All was fine when boat went to bed for winter. Went to turn it on this spring. Nuthin'.

The panel light, however is glowing faintly.

I assume that means a short somewhere? At panel or at stereo? Everything else at panel is fine so I assume it is not that, but as Im said I stink at wiring et al.

Thanks in advance.

David F. Risch
(401) 419-4650 (cell)

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