Hey guys,

Wondering if anyone can describe to me how they've ground their mast.  I have a 
1976 30mki and we got caught out in a very fast-moving t-storm this weekend and 
I realized I should have done this when I bought the boat last fall.  My mast 
step is not original.  It is a big, fat piece of mahogany - which I envision 
blasting apart if the mast took a direct strike.

The only idea I've had is using a steel ring clamp to attach a terminal on a 
very large gauge wire (maybe 2 gauge?) to the bottom of the mast, then run this 
wire a foot or two aft and down into the bilge to a keel bolt where I would 
have a second ring clamp hold the wire's terminal to a keel bolt.  I worry 
about how this would look and I also worry whether it would even be effective.

Anyone have a better solution?

Thanks in advance.  Hope you're all having a wonderful sailing summer.  


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