Hi Peter

On my LF 38 (1984) the Depth Sounder throughull is located under the fwd V 
Berth, just Aft of the water tank, Port side.

The knotmeter throughull is right next to it.

Its very tricky reaching in there, unless you have super skinny arms, twice the 
normal length.

Good luck




From: schu...@gmail.com [mailto:schu...@gmail.com] 
Sent: March-27-17 9:30 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Stus-List Signet Depth Sounder Location on a C&C Landfall 38


I just hauled my boat out and had the bottom painted.  I asked the person 
providing the service to make sure that the Transducer was clear of paint and 
also if they could tell me the location.  The painter could not locate the 
transducer.  For the life of me I have not been able to find out where the 
transducer is located.  It is a Signet brand depth sounder and it came that way 
installed by the factory (I assume).  Maybe its not a through the hull 
transducer I don’t know.


If anyone has a similar set up or knows the location please let me email me.  
The depth sounder works intermittently and I would like to find out why.  I 
have not followed the wiring (grey) because there are a number of grey wires 
bundled together and tied with plastic ties.  I may have to do this sooner or 


Thank you



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