I installed a Natures Head on my CS 30 three yrs ago.

I've not yet fiber-glassed over the inlet and outlet thru hulls - but I feel confident enough with the composting head that I'm planning to get it done.

In my case I didn't have a holding tank, needed new toilet and new hoses -- so the composting head was cheaper and far easier.

I basically took the old toilet out - dropped the composting head in it's place.  Drilled an air vent opening and added a solar vent in the head mated up with the air vent hose.

Toilet is bit too tall for the space - but I couldn't set it lower because the shelf under the toilet covers the curve in the hull.  Leaves you sitting with your feet dangling. I may raise the floor height - but given I'm over 6ft I'd rather not lose headroom. I can offer up some pictures if you are interested. Seem to remember that the Natures Head was an easier fit than the Air Head for my space.

I have had some small flies in the head (advised to use diatomaceous earth which I'll try this year)) - but no smell from the head at all. After 3 yrs I've not had to empty the compost yet (fairly light use). Worst part is emptying the urine jug - but I hope to add a 12V windshield washer pump discharging to the sink drain to simplify that task.

Overall I'm pleased.  Bit of a pain explaining to guests how to use it - but still less complex than a manual marine toilet.


There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
  - George Santayana
On 2017-05-09 5:35 PM, Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List wrote:

Does anyone have one?

Thinking about a plumbing reduction.





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