Please do not let this contribution thread turn into a political nightmare.

I have not revealed the cost of maintaining everything because it changes
all the time.  The list itself has almost doubled in price since starting
and as it grows larger, our costs for archived storage go up.  We have a
very active list which uses a considerable amount of bandwidth and that
increases costs.

There are not a lot of providers that will not let you have list software
that sends out 10,000 emails per day to its subscribers.  Some providers
consider it to be called 'spam'.

Hosting can be from free to expensive. But in the long run, you only get
what you pay for.  I don't consider $600-$700 a year for hosting to be
outrageous when they have 99.99% uptime.  Add another $600 for the list
and you get an idea of what it costs.  And don't forget to add in domain

Time-wise, I read every email posted and scrutinize the content and warn
the subscribers if they cross the line.  Every day somebody tries to send
a large email that I have to check and either allow it or reject it.  So
yes there is a bit of time every day spent on maintenance.

I have not replied to every individual who has contributed and I have no
excuse for not doing so.  I will not post their names on this list or on
the Photo Album.

If you want to send tokens of appreciation through the mail, please
contact me off the list first.

Again -- THANK YOU!!! for your contributions -- they are greatly appreciated.



The bills have started coming in for the year 2018 and have gone up again.  
October will be our fund raising month.  Please consider sending a small 
contribution to help keep this list running.  Use PayPal to send contribution 

All contributions are greatly appreciated!

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