Last weekend I raced in the Corinthian Midwinters regatta on San Francisco
Bay.  Saturday's race was in light winds - perfect conditions for a 29 Mk 1
and we ended up 3rd in our PHRF division (behind a J-24 and a IOD).  A
windward, close spinnaker reach and an even closer 2 sail reach didn't give
me the downwind advantage I normally enjoy in light winds

Sunday was totally different.  It started of in near-gale force conditions
and finished in full gale force conditions.  Boat breaking conditions!
Rounding the windward mark in 3rd (behind a Cal 34 - can you believe it is
rated 174, same as me - and the IOD) I shook out the reef and as I powered
the main, one of the cheek blocks at the bottom of my Garhauer Rigid Vang
exploded.  The weld sheared and must have propelled the sheave attached the
outside cheek into the bay at 50 mph - that much stress!.  We shortened the
adjusting line - powered up the main and took off.  I even got to put up
the shy kite and touched 10 knots downwind - we were flying.  (Anyone who
has a 29-1 knows that that is a wild ride)..  We finished the race in 2nd
place just behind the Cal 34.

On Monday I contacted Garhauer to see if I could get a replacement block.
They recommended I replace both of them since they had strengthened up the
blocks since the model (RV-20) I had bought.  As I was talking, the blocks
were being packaged to go to shipping, I was asked for a few pennies for
the blocks plus shipping and after a short discussion to make sure the
securing bolt didn't have anything attached to it internally we were done.

Every experience I have had with Garhauer has been good and pleasant.  They
are a great company to work with and they make good solid products.  Thank
you Garhauer Marine.  My vang will be fixed in time for my next race.

Oh, and by the way, the J-24 didn't race on Sunday and scored a DNC, the
IOD snapped it's main halyard and scored a DNF, so my 2nd was enough to win
my division.  Who says you can't sail a 29 mk 1 in stiff winds!!

Ian Matthew
"Siento el Viento"  C&C 29-1
San Francisco Bay

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