The bond definitely gets stronger over time.  Make a small test piece (1" x
2" acrylic) and wait a day or two.  You shouldn't be able to pull it apart
with your fingers.  Don't use acetone on the acrylic.

S/V Kaylarah


On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 6:05 PM, Matthew L. Wolford via CnC-List <> wrote:

> I just finished this project using VHB tape, Corning 795, and black paint
> on the inside edge.  The windows look much faster – worth at least a half a
> knot.
> I made a minor mistake in the length of a piece of tape being applied to
> the window cavity.  Based on warnings that the tape never comes off, I was
> concerned that I wouldn’t be able to correct the mistake.  However, I was
> able to remove and replace the piece of tape without issue – it just peeled
> off.  My take-away is that the tape is not quite as permanent as everyone
> warns.  I did read somewhere that the bond gets stronger over time, so this
> may be why it was easy to remove when I first applied it.
> Aside from removing old butyl, filling holes and sanding to create a flat
> surface, the only other prep work I did on the window cavity was vacuuming
> the dust and wiping the surface clean with a generous amount of acetone.
> This seemed to work fine.
> *From:* Mark Baldridge via CnC-List <>
> *Sent:* Friday, July 06, 2018 4:38 PM
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Mark Baldridge <>
> *Subject:* Stus-List VHB tape adhesion
> Hi All,
> I'm having the fixed windows replaced on my C&C 37/40+. I had fiberglass
> work done to clean up the window opening on the deck before putting the new
> windows on.
> I bought the windows from South Shore and am having them installed with 3M
> VHB tape, then Dow 795 caulking.
> The VHS tape adheres great to the windows, but not so well to the deck.
> There is 2 part epoxy primer on the window openings and it has been
> properly cleaned. A test area has been sanded and the tape doesn't appear
> to stick there much better. There is plenty of heat here in the North
> Carolina, so that is not the problem.
> Has anyone else had this issue of the tape not sticking well to the deck
> and possibly have suggestions that I can pass to the yard?
> Thanks,
> Mark Baldridge
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_/)
> '89 C&C 37/40+ "The Edge"
> Surf City, NC
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