
My boat is smaller, but I am using almost the same set-up. I prefer to have the 
extra block outside (and attached to the boom), but it makes little difference. 

I like it a lot and I find it to work much better than the original system that 
was two-ended (one to the winch, one free for direct adjustments). This system 
is fast for gybes (3:1) and good for fine adjustments (6:1).

Make sure that you have the proper angle for the sheets to come off the bottom 
block. Garhauer would adjust it for you.

I did not buy the kit; rather, I built it myself. The bottom block was, I 
think, 30-05us (??) - around $85 and the top was 30-17us - $70. When I googled 
your part number, only Garhauer NZ showed up and the price was over $1000. I 
hope you won't plan to pay that much.

Keep in mind that your boat is bigger, so you are probably looking at the 
40-series blocks.

Good luck


1994 C270 ”Legato”
Ottawa, ON

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List <> On Behalf Of steve dewar via 
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 09:16
Cc: steve dewar <>
Subject: Stus-List C&C 35 mkiii mainsheet traveler

I am looking at replacing my  traveler system to a Garhauer 40-2sp system.  I 
presently have the sheet going from the traveler thru blocks to the mast, and 
back to a winch on the cabin top. It’s slow and isn’t great for fine 
adjustments. Does anyone find any issues that would nix my idea?

Sent from my iPad

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