We've only flown the 1.5 oz spinnaker on Touche' twice.  To say the least
it's exhilarating.

Back in the early 2000's when we were racing the boat hard, we were in a
regatta on the Gulf Coast.  On Saturday with two windward/leeward twice
around races scheduled, it was blowing in the high teens to near 20.  We
rounded the windward mark, launched the 1.5 and prayed.  Again, the rule on
Touche' is never let the center seam in the bottom panel cross to windward
of the forestay.  We don't carry the pole square like we do in light to
moderate breeze.  We ease the pole forward so that center seam moves to
leeward.  This puts the boat in a quasi-reaching configuration.  You're
still susceptible to broaching but much less susceptible to a death roll
(been there, done that, don't ever want to do it again).  We also choked
the chute with the twings to reduce oscillations.  Since we were doing hull
speed, we headed deep for the downwind mark and never gybed.

Touche's 1.5 oz at that time had very narrow shoulders so the power aloft
was reduced.  This makes the chute easier to control.

Even with all those measures and an experienced crew, it was a heck of a
ride.  We did a very early take down as I remember.  Took 2-3 crew to
wrestle the chute down.

We chose not to fly it the second downwind but did again in the first
downwind of the second race.  I think we won our class in that regatta.
Memorable day.  Don't want to do it again.

Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

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