Hi Brian...I replaced my rudder in 2018 after years of bringing it home over 
the winter to let it drain out of the rudder-shaft connection.  I gave up and 
had Competition Composites (cci.one) in Ontario repair it.   Their computer 
scanned the rudder, removed the fiberglass and foam confirming that the SS post 
was in good shape (because of the black/brown tarry ooze that came out of the 
rudder I was relieved), then they scanned the shaft.  After cleaning it all up 
they used a CNC milling machine to cut two halves of hard Divinycell foam - 
inside and outside - then packed with epoxy.  The outside was covered in 2 
layers of fiberglass mat, vacuum bagged, then faired and primed.  Some pics:
They have a video of the process on the website.  Cost was about 3k but the 
exchange rate US to CDN was quite favorable.  Shipping was not cheep...a crate 
cost about $100 and was very well made.  Rudder weight dropped in half....from 
325 to 150 lbs...much easier to reinstall!
Brian....if your boat is outside in the frozen tundra you can be sure it won't 
just get better.  I had the yard use G-Flex on the shaft to rudder 
joint...water still got in.  So, not a matter of IF but WHEN.  For me...I was 
done removing the rudder each fall and taking it home so it would not freeze.  
The new rudder is solid peace of mind.  Good Luck!!
Spencer Johnson84 LF38 "Alegria"  #165Racine, WI / Waukegan, IL

Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

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