Touche's slip is on Bayou Castine on the north shore of Lake
Pontchartrain.  Fairly tropical most of the year.

Monday I went for a nice sail on the lake.  Well, nice if you don't count
the biting flies and love bugs.  If you don't know about love bugs, Google
them.  They're disgusting creatures whose only natural enemies are
Kenworths and Peterbilts.  They occur in spring and late summer.

Just out of my slip I saw a 5-7 foot alligator then another about 8-9

The bayou has developed a prolific growth of water weeds.  As I came to a
tight spot in the bayou, the weeds forced Touche' and a Catalina 34 to pass
close aboard in a narrow section of the bayou.

When I returned to the slip, the weather was deteriorating and I wanted to
get Touche' tied up before the storm hit.  Oh, crap!  A large island of
weeds had drifted across the entrance to Touche's slip.  I tried to back up
to it, grab it with a boat hook and move it out of the way.  No luck.  The
storm was approaching fast so I just powered into the slip bow first
pushing the weeds in with me.  The island of weeds wrapped around the bow
and keel.  I normally back in.  The dock lines worked and Touche' was
safely tied up when the storm hit.  It was raining hard and I was reluctant
to get wet to retrieve the shore power cord to fire up the air
conditioning.  All that was missing was for The Rock to show up in his
Jungle Cruise costume.

During the storm, I sweated and pondered how to clear the weeds.
Fortunately, the storm killed any wind.  I backed out of the slip, motored
around to the far side of my pier, tied Touche's stern to the pier and used
the propwash to blow the weeds out of the slip and into the bayou.  I could
then pull back around the pier and back into the slip normally.

The harbormaster said he'd contacted Wildlife and Fisheries to come spray
the weeds.  Estimated 2-3 weeks.  What joy!

Here's pictures:

The one titled "Weeds blown out" shows using the propwash to clear the slip.
Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

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