I did the windows myself on my 34 over 10 years ago.  Biggest issue was the 
plexus the factory used to attach the original windows would not release 
causing damage to the gel coat underneath which required repair.  Major PITA.  
But all is well that ends well.  Windows still going strong no leaks.  Used the 
SIKA 295 system.  Key to stay within shelf life and follow directions exactly.  
Sensitive to temperature and humidity.  I used small pieces of 1/8 inch tubing 
to ensure window was proud to the gel coat and screws at each corner to hold 
plexi in place while the SIKA cured.  This ensured adequate thickness of the 
SIKA so it could flex as the boat moved.  Just removed screws and filled holes 
with SIKA after it cured.  Be sure to mask and tape everything anywhere near 
the windows as is impossible to remove if some gets to an unwanted surface.


Best of luck


John Read

Legacy III

1982 C&C 34

Noank, CT

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