
Don't disagree with anything you said.  The seals I replaced were probably
the simplest ones in the unit requiring no special tools.  As I alluded to
in my post, it was a simple rebuild with no mitigating issues.

I chose to not replace the main piston seals.  Fortunately, they seem to be
doing well.  The unit is still holding about 500-600 psi after over 48

Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 12:50 PM CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List <> wrote:

> FWIW, I tried to rebuild my backstay ram two summers ago and learned the
> hard way, I didn't have the proper tools to do it myself.  I wound up
> taking the thing to a local shop and they finished it for me.  I got a
> rebuild kit from Offshore Spars and followed the detailed instructions that
> Dennis shared and got all the specific seals on the rod and piston but
> couldn't get the piston back into the cylinder.  A new seal jambed on the
> inside threads of the cylinder.   Desperate, I took it to the shop and they
> looked at it, ordered a new $15 seal which took a few days and installed it
> while I waited, the next Saturday.
> IIRC, the parts were $120 and the guy charged me $50 for ten minutes
> work.  Plus, I gave him $20 to look at it.  Not bad.
> I'd rather use my local shop that has all the tools and ram expertise.  I
> only tried to rebuild it myself that time, because the front office said
> they couldn't get to it for a month and I would have missed a month of
> sailing.
> I learned that at my local hydraulics shop, during the week, the women in
> the front office schedule the jobs and everything waits for months.  On
> Saturday, the front office is closed and the workers in the back, are happy
> to help people in distress.
> Another thought, the O-ring seal at the top of the ram is an easy DIY
> project because that seal lives in the top cap that unscrews from the
> cylinder.  You still have to follow the instructions to work on it, to be
> safe, but it is a simpler job than rebuilding the whole unit which has
> multiple seals inside.  My local shop repaced that seal fifteen years back
> for $35 and then bench tested the unit to #4000 for me, to prove that was
> the only thing needed.  This time around, I thought I should rebuild the
> whole unit for peace of mind.
> Tip:  This is the best time of year to check your hydraulic rams and get
> them fixed.  Don't wait, like I did, till Spring.
> Chuck Scheaffer, Resolute, 1989 C&C 34R, Annapolis
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> help me pay the associated bills.  Make a contribution at:
> Thanks for your help.
> Stu
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