On 09/15/2014 08:06 PM, Alan Evangelista wrote:
On 09/07/2014 06:22 PM, Alan Evangelista wrote:
I'd like to understand better the purpose of the generic templated scripts available in the scripts directory in Cobbler repository. The script() method in cobbler/services.py seems to be the responsible for creating these and, according to documentation, the purpose is to generate scripts based on snippets useful for post or late action where it is difficult to embed the script in the kickstart/autoyast/preseed file. I see only two of those in upstream Cobbler: preseed_early_default and preseed_late_default. These scripts only include snippets and are only used in sample preseed available in kickstarts/ directory. I dont understand why these 2 scripts could not be embedded
directly in the sample preseed.

Is anyone using this feature?

Alan Evangelista

Considering the lack of answers and apparent lack of interest in this feature, do we need to keep it in the future versions of Cobbler? Removing it would make code simpler.

Alan Evangelista

I am very much interested in this feature. The problem is that preseed file that is used in debian/ubunty installer (d-i) is a lot less convenient then kickstart. In particular, early- and late- installation scripts are not very easy to configure. I had to cook a one line command with some sort of black magic to make it work if I used snippets. I hope those scripts made it easier and more readable. I never got a chance to give them a try, but it is on my to-do list. I am not sure who contributed this feature to cobbler, but the lack of documentation or use-case example make them less appealing. I think, they work as some sort of wrappers, which are not necessary for anaconda-based installations. This mail list is not very active lately, unfortunately, but lack of the answer does not mean lack of interst


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