To support our custom access control, we have implemented fine grained ACL (access control list) in Cobbler, specific to each Cobbler object (distro, profile, system, etc). Each entry of this ACL may be associated with a user ou a group of users. ACL entry format is: member_type (user/group),
member_name, permission. Required implementation changes:
 - wrap kickstart/snippet into an Item
- add new 'acl' field to all item types (distro, profile, system, repo, package, file, mgmtclass, image, kickstart, snippet)
 - support ACL edition in a new tab in all item types in Cobbler web UI

We have not implemented group management in Cobbler web UI because we do not need,
but it could be easily done by someone else.

Cobbler community has interest in this feature?

Alan Evangelista

cobbler-devel mailing list

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