First check your Sellinux settings, this can cause your problems, or maybe your 
Apache service is misconfigured. 

Cheers Marcin

> On 11 Nov 2014, at 1:39 am, J's Mail <> wrote:
> I'm stumbling and am looking for some guidance.  I did this once 
> successfully, but have since wiped that environment (vagrant).  In a new 
> instance (CentOS 6.5) I can get a 'make install' to complete successfully, 
> but after that, I get odd behaviour (cobbler import fails, cobbler system add 
> fails); the errors are odd and glaring, such that I suspect my environment 
> rather than the code.
> I want to help out with some basic bugs, but I can't seem to get a copy of 
> Cobbler running from source.  Thus, I ask:  is there a recommended build 
> environment?
> Thanks,
> -- Jess
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