On 4/3/15, 12:30 PM, "Nishanth Aravamudan" <n...@linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:

>On 03.04.2015 [02:17:17 +0000], Britt Houser (bhouser) wrote:
>> I'm working on a RHEL7 docker container with cobbler in it.  I have
>> cobbler in this container to manage dhcpd.
>It seems like you're not configuring the containers correctly. Cobbler
>should run in one container and dhcpd should run in another, right?
>Dare I ask why you're doing this? :)

Right - not the container ideal, but I put the "why" further down.

>>  One hurdle with this setup is that a cobbler sync needs to restart
>>  dhcpd, but a docker container has no systemd.  So what I've done to
>>  work around this is to edit
>>  .py and change the dhcp_restart_command to call a simple shell
>>  script:
>> --
>> #!/bin/sh
>> #dhcpd writes its pid to /var/run/dhcpd.pid
>> #kill the PID in the file, if the file exists
>> if [ -f "/var/run/dhcpd.pid" ]
>> then
>>   kill `cat /var/run/dhcpd.pid`
>> fi
>> #Start again using command line from
>> /usr/sbin/dhcpd -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf -user dhcpd -group dhcpd
>> --
>> I do realize I'm not really supposed to have more than one process in a
>> container. But if I put dhcpd in its own container, the problem would
>> be even harder b/c now cobbler in its container needs to restart another
>> container.
>No, it just needs to restart (reload) that process. Meaning dhcpd needs
>either graceful reload, or, as you said, you need to be able to restart
>the DHCP process itself. Containerization isn't free :)

So to my knowledge, ISC-DHCP doesn't have a "reload", you must kill and
then restart.  If DHCP is in its own container, killing the process means
killing the container.  Respawning the process means starting a new
container.  This in and of itself isn't hard, but invoking that from
within another container I think would be more difficult than keeping both
processes in the same container.

>>  So I took the easier route and put them in the same container.
>> So in this implementation, it would be useful if I could specify a
>> dhcp_restart_command in /etc/cobbler/settings.  Would that be a change
>> community would be interested in accepting?
>I think the right way is to provide another option to the
>module = manage_isc
>section of configuration, which is something like
>module = manage_local
>And configure that appropriately? I've done that, for instance, for
>having a local version of authentication.

Can you elaborate on what you envision manage_local would do?  I'm not
quite following how this would work?  I still want cobbler to be
generating my dhcpd.conf file from template, I just want to change how
cobbler restarts dhcpd.


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