On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:19 AM, James Cammarata <j...@sngx.net> wrote:
>> Doesn't this imply that other image formats are supported?:
>> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=python-virtinst.git;a=commit;h=1045fb639779b0a9d2aaa2ab331e1469467c47ee
> I actually got this done over the weekend, I just have pushed it up to
> the master branch. Part of the issue I found, was that when I set the
> disk to qcow the VM wouldn't boot, and when I set it to qcow2 virtinst
> ignored it and defaulted it back to raw (I assume because it's not one
> of the listed TAP drivers).
> So, I can push this up, but YMMV in actually trying to use it. For the
> record, the #kvm guys did say that raw was the best/fastest option,
> but this functionality could be useful in the future.


Many thanks for working on this.

It's the ability to make snapshots I'm after, which isn't possible
with raw images, as far as I know.

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