I understand yum repo generation the same as Andre. The only thing is the $yum_repo_stanza will leave anything in the /etc/yum.repos.d there, so I had a block in our ks to remove anything in there, apart from cobbler-config.repo. In our setup systems don't have internet access so we can't use repos on the internet. Thus we use the cobbler server as the yum repo.

Interesting to note that cobbler puts all the repo configs in the one file; cobbler-config.repo.

Have you selected all the required repos in the profile? If you click on View Kickstart you should see the included repos at the top of the kickstart.

Documentation is minimal with cobber, so you just have to try and work out what it does. Similar to alot of open source; you need to play around with it and work out how it works.


On 2014-08-19 16:07, André Gemünd wrote:

I assume you mean on hosts which you installed with Cobbler? In that
case, it depends. There is an entry called "Repos" on the objects, I
conveniently set them on the profiles, in which you add references to
the mirrored repos. If you then also have a $yum_config_stanza in your
kickstarts %post section, cobbler will create a cobbler-config.repo in
the hosts /etc/yum.repos.d/ folder. Note that this is not necessarily
enough for RHEL/SL/CentOS, as they have rpms which contain the
upstream repos. So I usually exclude the yum-config packages from
installation and check for other repo files in my post scripts. btw,
if you also add a $yum_repo_stanza in the head of your kickstart, you
can directly use the additional repos during installation, which is
e.g. handy for installing with the updates repo or EPEL enabled.


----- Ursprüngliche Mail -----
On 8/12/14 3:02 PM, alast...@alastair-munro.com wrote:
> Added a page on the wiki on how to create your own custom repos for
> putting rpms that don't fit anywhere else:

This leads me to a question that I've been working on.

I just need to know if I've been working under an incorrect

I was under the impression that *somehow*, if I add a repo (and
it) under cobbler (e.g. EPEL) that cobbler would/could create a repo
entry, in my case, in /etc/yum.repos.d/ for EPEL that points to my
mirror and not to the upstream master.

Did I mis understand something?

Right now I'm assuming that I've not gotten that part of the
configuration done correctly and will eventually "get it right" along
with all the other things I'm doing.

Thanks for everyone's time.
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