
Giving back to the community and all that...

I documented how I did this at the cobbler wiki:

Wiki: https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki

Direct link: https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/Creating%20custom%20apt%20repositories%20in%20centos%20or%20el%20based%20cobbler

Question: how do folks preseed the pgp key for the apt (d-i apt-setup/localX/key)? Is there a proper/referred way to do this? Maybe we need an enhancement for this? I made a copy of snippet preseed_apt_repo_config and then added code in there:

# Additional repositories, local[0-9] available
 #set $cur=0
 #set $repo_data = $getVar("repo_data",[])
 #for $repo in $repo_data
  #for $dist in $repo.apt_dists
  #set $comps = " ".join($repo.apt_components)
 d-i apt-setup/local${cur}/repository string \
  #if $repo.mirror_locally
       http://$http_server/cblr/repo_mirror/${repo.name} $dist $comps
       ${repo.mirror} $dist $comps
  #end if
  #if $repo.comment != ""
 d-i apt-setup/local${cur}/comment string ${repo.comment}
  #end if
  #if $repo.breed == "src"
 # Enable deb-src lines
 d-i apt-setup/local${cur}/source boolean false
  #end if
 # Add repo pgp pub key
 d-i apt-setup/local${cur}/key string \
  #set $cur=$cur+1
  #end for
 #end for

Alastair Munro
cobbler mailing list

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