On 04/22/2015 01:20 AM, Hrishikesh wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am building an RHEL 7 instance using cobbler.
> I am facing a problem related to network configuration for a system defined in
> cobbler web interface.
> I have defined an interface named eth0 in cobbler web interface for the 
> system.
> When I build using koan, it creates 2 interfaces with names eth0 and ensXX.
> And the ip address for both is same and is the one that mentioned in cobbler
> web interface for eth0.
> Any idea how to restrict the creation of ensXX interface ?
> Thanks,
> Hrishikesh

I think we need a FAQ on this subject.

You can add net.ifnames=0 to the kernel options to prevent systemd from
renaming the interface.

It would also be nice if cobbler could better handle dynamic interface names.

Orion Poplawski
Technical Manager                     303-415-9701 x222
NWRA, Boulder/CoRA Office             FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane                       or...@nwra.com
Boulder, CO 80301                   http://www.nwra.com
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