
Fountain Creek Nature Center's Birding for Beginners group enjoyed another good 
day of birding in Fountain Creek Park, despite the cold, wet and fog.  I also 
birded before the class and most of the afternoon, covering several areas in 
the park.  Over 60 species. Highlights included:

Western Grebe - 1

Ruddy Duck - 10 (not oftern seen at FC Park)

Snowy Egret - 4

Solitary Sandpiper - 1

Plumbeous Vireo -2

Cassin's Vireo - 1

Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 2

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 3

Orange-crowned Warbler - 20

Yellow-rumped Warbler - 100+ (both Audubon's & Myrtle's)

Blackpoll Warber 1 female

Common Yellowthroat - 1

Wilson's Warbler - 1

Brewer's Sparrow - 1

Lincoln's Sparrow - 1

Lazuli Buntng - 1

Bullock's Oriole - 4


Good Birding,

Ken Pals

Colorado Springs




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