Hi all:

Scott Carpenter recently wrote about a bird photographed at Walden Res., 
Jackson Co.:

"My father, Larry Carpenter, and I birded Walden Reservoir in Jackson County
on Sunday, 16 August 2009.? We were pleasantly surprised to come across a
CHESTNUT-COLLARED LONGSPUR.? Due to the molt of the bird, we are not 100%
certain of the ID, and would appreciate feedback from those more familiar
with the plumage we saw.? Photos online at:

The bird depicted in those lovely photos is a juvenile Horned Lark.? Unlike 
almost all other landbirds other than thrushes, juvenile larks are 
characterized by the spotting present on the bird in the pix.? I wrote an 
article on this plumage in the April 2009 issue of?Colorado Birds, as these 
larks are often mis-identified as a variety of other open-country birds, 
particularly Sprague's Pipit and longspurs.? Back issues are obtainable from 
CFO's treasurer (http://cfo-link.org/journal/index.php) though I note that the 
link to the treasurer's address is mis-spelled (missing an 'r').


Tony Leukering

Villas, NJ

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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