The variety at and under our feeders picked up over the last week.

During lunch today, a White-throated Sparrow came in with a couple of
White-crowneds -- made comparison easy. They seem to have proliferated this
week. We have 10 or so White-crowneds. A few minutes ago Urling spotted a
Clay-colored Sparrow, and I saw one along our road yesterday.

Lesser Goldfinches persist, and this afternoon, one spent half a minute
feeding a fledgling -- rather late. So the natives continue their breeding
activities as well as those Eurasian interlopers.

One Townsend's Solitaire finally took up residence, we see him only rarely
though we hear him daily. Juniper 'berries' look good -- we expect another
one or two pretty soon.

Urling & Hugh Kingery

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