Despite the Ross' Gull's long stint at Cherry Creek Res, we didn't
have time to get out there and look for it until yesterday, early
afternoon.  In retrospect, about three hours after it left.  But we
stayed till sundown, and met some nice birders from many distant areas
(Ohio, Texas, Tennessee, etc).  We returned at sunup this morning, and
met the same faces.  Despite great organization (some stayed at the
spit, some of us went to the lake loop, two more went on to the
prairie loop, all with each other's phone numbers) we obviously came
up empty.  A beautiful day, though, great to be out in.

Present were-- Kingfisher, tons of Com. Merganser, a few Hooded
Merganser, many Western Grebes, Com. Goldeneye, California Gull,
Bonaparte's Gull, Pied-billed Grebe, 10 White Pelicans, Tree

So anyway, Barr Lake seemed like a nice way to spend the rest of the
day, and it was.  Some highlights:

Ross' Goose (several, among the
Snow Geese (dozens, incl 5 blue morphs, among the
White Cheeked Geese (thousands, incl a small percentage of Cackling)
Great Horned Owl
Hairy Woodpecker
Am Tree Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Harriers, incl on sitting the ice edge like an Eagle
Oh yea, and-- Eagles (2, bald)
Heard about a Rough-legged earlier in the day, but we didn't see it
Shovelers.  Otherwise remarkably few ducks today.

Dave Cameron

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