Hi COBirders,

Almost no birds around at sunrise, only a handful banded by 9am, a bunch of 
Chipping Sparrows about 11am, then all of a sudden we had 42 banded birds by 
closing.  Since when do birds get active only after it gets hot?

No banding tomorrow, we'll resume Monday 9/12.

Banded today

OVENBIRD recaptured from yesterday

W Wood Pewee - 3
Dusky Flycatcher - 2
Cordilleran Flycatcher - 1
House Wren - 1
Am Robin - 3
Gray Catbird - 2
Brown Thrasher - 2
Wilson's Warbler - 12
Chipping Sparrow - 12
Lazuli Bunting - 4 all young birds

Notes : lots of WIWA's yesterday - fewer today. Few flycatchers yesterday, more 
today, and lots of pewees.   Large flocks of Chipping Sparrows moving around 
the grove late in the morning every day this week.  We're hoping for a weather 
change that brings in more diversity - it has been calm all week (at CBR?)
Have a birdy weekend,

Steve Brown
Colorado Springs

for Julie Webber, RMBO

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