Greetings All, 

Today, Tracy and I spent all day at Prewitt Res (well, from 7 to 4). Why? Not 
sure, as the landbirding was sllllllooooowwwww. However, at the end of the day, 
we had a 5 or so minute look at a juv BB CUCKOO about 20 feet from us. The bird 
was in the cottonwoods and willows surrounding one of the ponds just west of 
the road near the reservoir and a couple hundred yards south (directions 
approximate) of the parking area near the "caretaker's house." These ponds are 
private property, though not posted, and I've not had a problem visiting them. 
However, duck blinds have been freshly installed, so visiting them probably 
should be avoided for the remainder of fall migration, alas.

Below the dam, we had a BG Gnatcatcher, a darkish looking bird that called like 
a western race bird.
Along the inlet, we had a Hammond's Fly and 3 Townsend's Warblers. 

We had only 3 other flycatchers, all of which were WW Pewees (not even a 
We found but 3 Yellow Warblers and 7 Wilson's Warblers, so yes, a slow day for 
passerines overall

Shorebird numbers were not in the famous range of Prewitt in past, but we did 
have good diversity (17 species)
177 Killdeer
1 Semi Plover
22 American Avocet
1 Spotted Sandpiper
11 Greater Yellowlegs
4 Solitary Sanpipers (1 cinnomomea, 1 nominate, 2 not ID'd to race)
2 Lesser Yellowlegs
1 Sanderling
3 Semi Sands
1 Western Sand
20 Least Sand (including an adult)
81 Baird's Sand (including an adult)
2 Pec Sands
57 Stilt Sands
1 SB DOWITCHER (juv, ID'd by sight and call)
13 Wilson's Snipe
2 Wilson's Phalarope

Other waterbirds of perhaps some interest was a Common Tern, 3 Herring Gulls 
(all adults), 12 WF Ibis, and 28 Black Terns

Good Birding, 
Steven Mlodinow and Tracy Clark
Longmont, CO

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