Hi Birders,

A brief look at reports from neighboring states shows 89 +/- Snowy
Owls observations in Nebraska, and 30 or so in Kansas. Wow! Likely the
largest irruption of the species in nearly 40 to 50 years.

Take a look as various state listserves at:

Kansas KOS map: http://ksbirds.org/KS_SNOW_11_12.htm

I hope folks will report their Snowy Owl (and other bird) sightings to
ebird.org as it will provide a historical snapshot of sightings that
can be used in real time by researchers. As said before ebird is
really fun and EASY to use and your sightings become an easily
accessed diary of your birding life. And your sightings contribute
almost instantly to the knowledge of bird distribution in the world. I
am surprised more people don't use it but then I admit am not the best
when it comes to CRBC reports (working harder on that New Years

If you need help with ebird, drop me a line, or there are many others
available to help.


Scott E. Severs
Longmont, CO

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