On 5/12/2012, Deb Carstensen and myself saw some good birds at what used to be 
Bonny State Park. The main obervation was that birds were not in quanity as I 
thought they might be, [ We thought the rain the night before, might be cause 
for more birds].There was variety in bird numbers although, I am not including 
everything. Just east of the park's old Visitor Center and in the tallest trees 
next to the Center, were some nice birds :  1, m. Indigo Bunting, 1, m. singing 
 Northern Cardinal, 1, Veery, and 1, m. Baltimore Oriole. The same area had 
Warbling Vireos. About 75 yards south of this site was 1, Olive-sided 
Flycatcher. Camping is not allowed near the Visitor Center now. The lake is 
mostly dry with very, very, shallow water in the middle.  In the middle were 4, 
Marbled Godwits, 32 alternate, beautiful Black Terns, at least 20 
Dowitchers[too far away for me to ID.], 1, Stilt Sandpiper, 28 Forster's Terns, 
2, very pink belly Franklin's Gulls, 13 Lesser Yellowlegs, 16 
Phalaropes[Wilson's]. I could not find a Red-necked in the group. There were 
some peeps far out which I could not ID. I heard a Long-billed Curlew call in 
the distance but I  could not see it. Very disappointing was the lack of 
variety of Warblers. Many Yellow-rumped, and Yellow, and Common Yellowthroat, 
and Yellow-breasted Chat. Northern Orioles were quite common, with Orchard 
Orioles in and out of a few trees. The numbers of Red-headed Woodpeckers was 
very impressive, along with all the Kingbirds[Western and Eastern]. Chipping, 
Clay-colored, ,Lincoln's and gobs of Lark Sparrows were in the area, along with 
Brown Thrasher and Northern Mockingbird. At the campground which used to be 
called Foster Grove campground [the one just east of highway 385, on county rd. 
3],  were Eastern Bluebirds, and a Great Crested Flycatcher. The area is not 
open for camping at this time NOTE, We saw individuals hunting in several 
areas, so be aware. Most restrooms are closed Happy Birding!Tina 
Jones,Littleton, Jefferson County, CO.                                        

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