Having a nice visit to the Estes Park area in Larimer County. This cold, gray 
morning at Lake Estes, along with many local and visiting birders, primarily in 
the bird sanctuary area, we enjoyed a Northern Waterthrush (pointed out by 
local birders who reported one has been seen periodically for the last three or 
four weeks), a Gray Catbird, a Brewer's Sparrow, a Prairie Falcon, a number of 
Lincoln's Sparrows, Yellow, Wilson's, Orange-crowned, and MacGillivray's 
Warblers, American Redstart, and Common Yellowthroat.

Later at our vacation home in Estes we had a new yard bird -- two flyover 
American White Pelicans.

Yesterday in Rocky Mountain Park we encountered large numbers of White-crowned 
Sparrows and American Pipits in Morraine Park and Horseshoe Meadow 
respectively, apparently waiting for the snows to end up high so they move up 
to breed. Also had a Western Meadowlark singing in Morraine Park, a first in 
RMNP for us.

Jim and Ann Nelson
Bethesda, Maryland

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