This morning is very birdy in my yard, possibly as a result of some of the 
watering I’ve been doing over the past 24 hours.  In addition to all my usual 
birds, there are several other species around today, including:

MacGillivray’s Warbler – 1, very active in Virginia Creepers
Wilson’s Warbler – 3, in Russian Olives, but also around other areas too
Orange-crowned Warbler – 2, in raspberry patch
Plumbeous Vireo – 1, in tall Gambel’s Oaks
Western Tanager – 1, female, in Russian Olives
Western Wood-Pewee – 1, in tall Gambel’s Oaks
Gray Catbird – 2, in Virginia Creepers
Green-tailed Towhee – 3, doing the “towhee thing” on the ground around some 
junipers and a crabapple tree
Lincoln’s Sparrow – 1, in raspberry patch
Vesper Sparrow – 3, on ground in weedy area near pond
Calliope Hummingbird – 2, feeders, butterfly bush, Russian sage, honeysuckle 
vine, etc.
Rufous Hummingbird - 1, feeders, butterfly bush, Russian sage, honeysuckle 
vine, etc.
Common Poorwill – 2 or 3, calling everyday at both dusk & dawn
Great Horned Owl – 2, calling back & forth early this morning

The “usuals” around the yard this morning include Red-tailed Hawk, Turkey 
Vulture, Lesser Goldfinch, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, House Wren, House Finch, 
Morning Dove, Spotted Towhee (20+), Downy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Western 
Scrub-Jay (many), Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, Song 
Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, American Robin, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few 

Get out there and enjoy it!  Fall migration will be over sooner than you might 

Good Birding,
Kirk Huffstater
Castle Rock, CO

(In the middle of being reorganized)


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