On Friday, I was fortunate to visit a Greater Sage Grouse lek on private
land outside of Craig, Moffat County. This particular lek has not been open
to the public until recently. As the sun rose, we quietly opened the
windows on the mobile blind and looked out on 75+ birds just as they began
their morning displays. Within minutes, small groups of females flew in
from the surrounding sage, and suddenly the lek was alive with the eerie
pops, spread tails and the sound of wing flaps as rival males faced off in
what was becoming the heart of the dance floor.

At its peak, just before sunrise, we counted 96 males and 29 females. In
just minutes the first rays of the sun would be on the lek, providing the
perfect lighting for the dance, not to mention photography... However, it
was not to be. Out of the North came a blur that instantly put the grouse
into flight. Although the Golden Eagle failed to snag breakfast, what had
been a grand ball of courting, strutting grouse was now silent -- spooky

A few of the birds chose to hunker down rather than run, including one
female (thank goodness.) After 20 minutes or so, the 8 males took notice of
the hen & began to display. Before long other males returned in 2s & 3s at
first, followed by larger groups. Finally about a dozen hens flew in, and
we were treated to a smaller version of the morning's dancing.

I have to thank Sasha Nelson, Field Organizer for Conservation Colorado,
who has worked with the owner of the ranch for several years. Their bond is
a love of the birds and the land that sustains them. The rancher has agreed
to let people come see the birds, believing that awareness & education will
lead to appreciation & preservation.

Over the next month or so, Sasha will escort small groups to the lek
pre-dawn to enjoy one of the largest Greater Sage Grouse leks in Colorado.
There are still some spots open, so if you are interested, please contact

I've posted some photos here:

Good birding,
Peter Burke
Boulder, CO

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