I visited Scott Rashid this morning in wintery Estes Park - his feeders
were being guarded by hungry Blackbirds including 4 Yellow-headed - one of
which he managed to trap and band. A bit later, a flock of 28 Common
Redpoll flew in, but were flushed - presumably by a Cooper's Hawk that
works the yard.

There was a good mix of birds around Lake Estes including:
1 Wilson's Phalarope
14 White-faced Ibis
4 Wilson's Snipe
1 Yellow-rumped Warbler missing its tail
1 Sage Thrasher
5 Greater Yellowlegs
2 Tree Swallows
4 California Gulls
Raft of Franklin's Gulls
Raft of Western/Clark's Grebes

Out in Longmont on 119th & Oxford, I was lucky to find all three Longspurs.
Difficult to estimate the number of birds as they are constantly flushed by
traffic, but at one point I had 31 McCown's in a single group. There were
dozens of Chestnut-collared and at least three Lapland in with hundreds of
Horned Lark. Roaming the back roads, I would find pockets of American
Robins, Killdeer, Western Meadowlark & White-crowned Sparrow. I also
noticed single Savannah Sparrow & Vesper Sparrow.

Of course, with such a concentration of birds, in came the raptors.
Kestrels were seemingly everywhere. At least two Prairie Falcons were
making strafing runs causing chaos...

The scene is pretty spectacular - an inland version of a fall-out

Longspur photos are here:

Good Birding,
Peter Burke


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