The Arkansas Valley Audubon field trip that I lead today around Pueblo, saw 
some more interesting things.

At Pueblo Reservoir, where it was sunny and calm all morning, produced eight 
Common Loons, one adult Lesser Black-backed Gull, and a Say's Phoebe.  There 
were lots of birds, though nothing else of major note on the lake.  A Rock Wren 
put on quite the show at Sailboard launching area, in the rocks, while we were 
looking at loons and other birds.

We made an attempt for Rusty Blackbirds that were seen yesterday, along the 
Arkansas River, in the western part of the Osprey Picnic Area in Rock Canyon.  
We couldn't find them.  Usually when they show up below Pueblo Reservoir dam, 
they wander around quite a bit, looking for nice rocky spots along the river.  
Currently, water is coming out of Pueblo Reservoir, into the Arkansas River, 
that will change, starting 15 November, when winter storage starts.  So, 
starting November 15th, the river will be lower, so there will be a lot more 
rocky areas to look for the blackbirds, pipits, shorebirds, phoebes, and other 

After eating lunch in Pueblo City Park, we starting walking around, looking 
high up in the pine trees, when John Drummond spotted a warbler, across the 
road to the north of the Administration Building, east of the pond in the 
middle of the park.  This bird was hard to see at first, as it took 10-15 
minutes to finally re-find the warbler, and to figure out that it was a PINE 
WARBLER.  The bird is probably a first year male.  A couple of photos of it are 
on my flickr site.  The bird was near 
other birds, that included Pygmy and White-breasted Nuthatches, Mountain 
Chickadees, and Ruby-crowned Kinglets.  There were also a few Yellow-rumped 
Warblers and Brown Creepers around the area as well.  

After everyone left City Park, I hung around, and Mark Peterson and Duane 
Nelson appeared, and we searched and searched and couldn't re-find the Pine 
Warbler, though we did see a male RED-NAPED SAPSUCKER!

Since tomorrow is the Veteran's Day holiday, I'll be birding around Pueblo 
tomorrow with a federal employee, that has the day off and wants to go birding.

Brandon Percival -- Pueblo West, CO

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