Nick Komar spotted a 1st cycle kumlienz Iceland Gull with a pale base of bill 
at South Platte Reservoir, Jefferson County.

Also seen California, Herring, Thayer, Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

Gloria Nikolai
Currently in JeffersonCounty
From: <> on behalf of Joyce 
Takamine <>
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2016 4:24:01 AM
To: Joyce Takamine; cobirds
Subject: [cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 23 January 2016

Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
e-mail:     RBA AT<>
Date:  January 23, 2016
This is the Rare Bird Alert, Saturday, January 23, sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).

Trumpeter Swan (*Mesa)
Tundra Swan (Boulder)
Long-tailed Duck (*Arapahoe, *Fremont)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Adams, Arapahoe, Delta, Eagle, Fremont, Garfield, Mesa, 
Moffat, Summit)
Sharp-tailed Grouse (Weld)
Red-necked Grebe (Pueblo)
Red Phalarope (Pueblo)
Thayer's Gull (Arapahoe,  Boulder, Pueblo)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Arapahoe, Boulder, *Pueblo)
Glaucous Gull (Arapahoe, Pueblo)
Great Black-backed Gull (*Pueblo)
White-winged Dove (*Pueblo)
Greater Roadrunner (*Pueblo)
White-throated Swift (Pueblo)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (*Fremont, Larimer)
Williamson's Sapsucker (Fremont, Jefferson, La Plata)
Eastern Phoebe (Weld)
Black Phoebe (Fremont, Pueblo)
Chihuahuan Raven (El Paso)
Carolina Wren (Jefferson)
Winter Wren (Denver, El Paso, Fremont)
Varied Thrush (Grand, Larimer)
Gray Catbird (Boulder)
Lapland Longspur (Douglas, Weld)
Yellow-throated Warbler (Larimer)
Rufous-crowned Sparrow (Fremont)
Canyon Towhee (*Fremont)
Lark Sparrow (Mesa)
Golden-crowned Sparrow (Boulder)
Rusty Blackbird (El Paso)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Delta, Grand, Jefferson, Mesa, Pitkin, Teller)
Black Rosy-Finch (Delta, Grand, Jefferson, Mesa, Pitkin, Teller)
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Delta, Grand, Jackson, Jefferson, Mesa, Pitkin, Teller)
Common Redpoll (*Jefferson, Larimer)

--On January 9, Laura Steadman reported 4 Barrow's Goldeneyes on the Platte 
River between 78th and 88th Ave by the water tower.

--On January 6, Scott Someshoe and Adam Vesely reported 3 Long-tailed Ducks at 
South Platte Reservoir.  On January 10, Ben Sampson reported 2 Long-tailed 
Ducks at South Platte Reservoir.  On January 11, Jennifer Hyypio reported 
Long-tailed Duck at South Platte Reservoir and Tolline Gallagher reported 3 
Long-tailed Ducks at South Platte Reservoir.  On January 12, Jennifer Hyypio, 
Candice Johnson, and David Suddjian reported 2 Long-tailed Ducks at South 
Platte Reservoir.  On January 13, Jane Stulp reported Long-tailed Duck at South 
Platte Reservoir.  On January 16, Nick Komar reported 3 Long-tailed Ducks at 
South Platte Reservoir.  On January 17, Steve Smith, Bill Kaempfer, and  Brian 
Johnson reported 2 Long-tailed Ducks at South Platte Reservoir.  On January 18, 
Jesse and Renee Casias reported 3 Long-tailed Ducks at South Platte Reservoir.  
On January 19, David Suddjian reported 3 Long-tailed Ducks (1m, 2f), 2 Barrow's 
Goldeneyes, 1 1st-cyc Thayer's Gull, and 1 1-st cyc Lesser Black-backed Gull at 
South Platte Reservoir.  On January 19, Michael Kiessig reported 2 Long-tailed 
Ducks at South Platte Reservoir.  On January 20, Aaron Keller reported 2 
Long-tailed Ducks at South Platte Reservoir.  On January 21, Karen Drozda 
reported 1 Long-tailed Ducks at South Platte Reservoir.  On January 22, Nelson 
Ford reported 2 Long-tailed Ducks at South Platte Reservoir.

--On January 8, Chuck Hundertmark reported Golden-crowned Sparrow at Teller 
--On January 10, Chris Wood reported 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at Valmont 
Overlook/Legion Park.  On January 10, Ted Floyd reported 6+ Lesser Black-backed 
Gulls (4 ad, 1 3rd-cyc, 1 1-st cyc) on ice a Valmont Reservoir.  On January 11, 
David Dowell reported 1 ad Thayer's Gull and 10 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at 
the Valmont Complex.  On January 21, David Dowell reported 1 Tundra Swan, 1 ad 
Tahyer's Gull and 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (1 juv, 1 imm, 1 ad) at Valmont 
--On January 13, Ted Floyd reported a Gray Catbird at Waneka Lake/Greenlee 
Preserve in Lafayette.

--On January 5, Jason Beason reported 26 Barrow's Goldeneyes (12m, 14f) at 
Confluence Park between the bridge and boat launch.  On January 9, Rick Harner 
reported Barrow's Goldeneye at Confluence Park.
--On January 13, Dennis Garrison reported Brown-capped Rosy-Finches at FR 256 
at Mule Park parking lot on January 13.

--A Winter Wren was reported by Cynthia Madsen at Washington Park on January 15.

--On December 29, Joey Kellner reported Lapland Longspur at Chatfield SP at 
Model Airplane Field.On January 8, Frank Farrell reported 3 Lapland Longspurs 
at Model Airplane Field of Chatfield SP and Doug Kibbe reported 2 Lapland 
Longspurs at Prairie Dog Town just west of east entrance kiosk at Chatfield SP. 
 On January 9, Glenn Walbek and Mark Peterson reported 2 Lapland Longspurs at 
Chatfield Model Airplane Field and Linda and Lee Farrell Reported 1 Lapland 
Longspur at SE Entrance of Chatfield.

--On January 15, Dick Filby reported 2 pair of Barrow's Goldeneyes on the 
Frying Pan River out of Basalt.

--The f ACORN WOODPECKER has returned to the Willow Circle neighborhood in 
Colorado Springs.  Marty Wolf first discovered her on December 18 and his CBC 
team observed the woodpecker again on December 19.  Please observe from Willow 
Circle or Cheyenne Blvd and stay off of private property.  On January 3, Glenn 
Walbek and Loch Kilpatrick reported ACORN WOODPEKCER at Willow Circle 
Neighborhood.  On January 4, Adam Vesely reported ACORN WOODPECKER at Willow 
Circle Neighborhood.  On January 10,  Mark Chavez reported ACORN WOODPECKER at 
Willow Circle Nieghborhood of Colorado Springs.
--A f PURPLE FINCH was reported by Robb Hinds at Fountain Creek RP on January 
10.  On January 15, Gary Koehn reported f PURPLE FINCH at feeders at Fountain 
Creek NC.  On January 16 Glenn Walbek and John Drummond reported young male 
PURPLE FINCH at Fountain Creek RP.
--A SNOWY OWL was reported flying in the Rockrimmon Area of Colorado Spring and 
was being mobbed by Crows and Magpies.  Tena and Fred Engleman saw the owl the 
morning of January 12 and searched the neighborhood but could
not refind the owl.
--A Rusty Blackbird was reported by Glenn Walbek and John Drummond on Birdsall 
Rd on January 16.
--A Winter Wren was reported by Mark Peterson at Fountain Creek RP on January 
--A Chichuahuan Raven was reported by John Drummond on Squirrel Creek Road on 
January 16.

--At Tunnel Drive in Canon City on December 30, Scott Somershoe reported 
Rufous-crowned Sparrow and a couple of Canyon Towhee.  On January 10, SeEtta 
Moss reported the the DFO Field trip saw Rufous-crowned Sparrow and Canyon 
Towhee.  On January 13, Ira Sanders reported Rufous-crowned Sparrow at Tunnel 
--A Black Phoebe was reported by Joey Kellner at Florence River Park on January 
1.  On January 3, at Florence River Park, Loch Kilpatrick and Glenn Walbek 
reported Black Phoebe.  On January 16, Dale Adams reported Black Phoebe at 
Florence River Park.
--At Lakeside Cemetery in Canon City, Joey Kellner reported Yellow-bellied 
Sapsucker on January 1.  On January 3, at Lakeside Cemetery in Canon City, Loch 
Kilpatrick and Glenn Walbek reported Williamson's Sapsucker and Yellow-bellied 
Sapsucker.  On January 10, Dale Adams reported Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at 
Lakeside Cemetery.
--At Centennial Park in Canon City, Joey Kellner reported Yellow-bellied 
Sapsucker on January 1.  On January 6, John Drummond reported Yellow-bellied 
Sapsucker at Centennial Park.  On January 15, Aaron Keller reported 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Centennial Park.  On January 22, Brandon Percival 
Reported Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Centennial Park.
--A Winter Wren was reported by Glenn Walbek and Loch Kilpatrick on the Canon 
City Riverwalk between Sells Lake to Raynolds Ave on January 3.  On January 6, 
John Drummond reported Winter Wren on Canon City Riverwalk between Sells Lake 
and Raynolds Ave. by Bluff Tail mile marker 1/4.  On January 10, Mark Chavez 
reported Winter Wren on Park Ave in Canon City.  On January 15, Aaron Keller 
reported Winter Wren on Canon City Riverwalk.  On January 16, Dale Adams and 
Glenn Walbek reported Winter Wren on Canon City Riverwalk between Sells Lake 
and S Raynolds Ave.
--On January 10, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was reported by Mark Peterson and 
Glenn Walbek in Florence.
--A Barrow's Goldeneye was reported by Dale Adams at Valco Pond in Canon City 
on January 10.
--On January 13, Ira Sanders reported Williamson's Sapsucker at Rouse Park in 
Canon City.
--An imm m Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was reported by Ira Sanders at Abbey Winery 
in Canon City on January 13.
--On January 17, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was reported by Jesse and Renee 
Casias and Adam Vesely at Holy Cross Abbey in Canon City.
--On January 18, Norm Lewis reported a Williamson's Sapsucker at Holy Cross 
Abbey in Canon City.
--On January 18, Bill Kaempfer reported a Williamson's Sapsucker at Lakeside 
Cemetery in Canon City.
--On January 19, Rich Miller reported Long-tailed Duck at Valco Pond in Canon 
City.  On January 22, Brandon Percival reported Long-tailed Duck at Valco Pond.
--2 pair of Canyon Towhees were reported by Dan Stringer at Brush Hollow 
Reservoir on January 22.

--10+ Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by Dick Filby on the Colorado River in 
Glenwood Springs by Devereux Road on January 11.

--A Varied Thrush has been visiting the yard of Cathy Craig in Granby since 
late November.  Cathy is willing to allow birders to come and try to see the 
thrush.  But she does not want anyone to come closer to the feeders than the 
block that she will place in the driveway.  Please contact her at PioneerCSC at<> for information.  On December 31, Bob Spencer reported 
Varied Thrush at Granby.  On January 1, Cathy Craig reported that the Varied 
Thrush continues at her feeders.  On January 2, Cathy Craig reported that there 
are now a pair (m and f) of Varied Thrush visiting her feeders.  On January 3, 
Bob Spencer reported seeing the male Varied Thrush at feeders of Cathy Craig in 
Granby.  On January 5, Cathy Craig reported that the male continues visiting 
the feeders but the female has gone missing.  On January 12, Cathy Craig 
reported that the male continues to visit along with about 300+ Gray-crowned 
Rosy-Finches.  On Januray 14, Cathy Craig reported that the male continues to 
visit along with all 3 species of Rosy-Finches.  On January 16, Todd Deininger 
and Dean Shoup reported Varied Thrush and all 3 species of Rosy-Finches at yard 
of Cathy Craig in Granby.  On January 18, Cathy Craig reported that the male 
Varied Thrush continues to visit her feeders.

--Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches were reported by Todd Deininger at Moose Visitor 
Center on January 16.

--Ira Sanders has feeders which attract Common Redpoll and Rosy-Finches.  His 
address is 314 Defrance Ct, Golden.  He usually posts to CoBirds if birds show 
up.  On January 11, Mark Minner-Lee Repored Common Redpoll and all 3 species of 
Rosy-Finches at feeders of Ira Sanders.  A Common Redpoll was reported by 
Johanna Beam on January 12 at feeders of Ira Sanders.  On January 13, Tom 
Wilberding reported Common Redpoll, Gray-crowned and Brown-capped Rosy-Finches 
at feeder of Ira Sanders.  On January 15, Todd Deininger, Doub Kibbe, and Scott 
Manwaring reported Common Redpoll at feeders of Ira Sanders.  On January 16, 
Candice Johnson and Nick Komar reported Common Redpoll at Defrance Ct in 
Golden.  Ira Sanders reported Common Redpoll at his feeders on January 17.  On 
January 18, Matt Crooks reported Common Redpoll at feeders of Ira Sanders.  On 
January 19, Ira Sanders reported Rosy-Finches at his feeders.  On January 20, 
Ira Sanders reported Common Redpoll at his feeders.  On January 22, Susan W and 
M Wise reported Common Redpoll at feeders at Defance Ct.
--On December 31, Gwen Moore reported a Carolina Wren at 2695 Newland St in 
Lakewood.  The Wren has been visiting the feeders in the yard for over a month. 
 The owners invite you to come in the yard and go to the feeder behind the 
house on the west and a suet feeder on the south side of the house.  Please be 
respectful of the bird and do not try to approach too closely.  You may park on 
Newland.  On January 6, Matt Clark reported Carolina Wren at Newland and 28th.  
Norm Lewis reported Carolina Wren at 2695 Newland on January 6.  On January 8, 
Doug Kibbe reported Carolina Wren on Newland St.  On January 9, Glenn Walbek, 
Mark Peterson, Gregg Goodrich, Anna Troth, and Christine Hartzel Alexander 
reported Carolina Wren on Newland St.  On January 11, Mark Minner-Lee reported 
Carolina Wren in Newland St neighborhood.  On January 12, Jane Stulp reported 
Carolina Wren on Newland St.  On January 17, Patty Echelmeyer reported that the 
Carolina Wren returned to her yard after an absence of a few days.
--An ad m Williamson's Sapsucker was reported by Gerald Baines at Genessee 
Mountain Park on January 11.

--On January 8, Katy Shirley reported Williamson's Sapsucker at Edgemont Ranch 
on Golden Dipper Rd.

--On December 11, Jeff Birek reported Yellow-throated Warbler in Fort Collins.  
The warbler is visiting the feeders in the backyard of Luke Caldwell at 1520 W 
Mountain.  Caldwell welcomes birders to enter his yard through the front and 
proceed along the east side.  The bird spends most of the time visitng the 
feeder in the pine trees along the east fence line near the alley.  On January 
4, Dale Adams and Georgia Doyle reported Yellow-throated Warbler at home of 
Luke Caldwell.  On January 9, John Shenot reported Yellow-throated Warbler at 
1520 W. Mountain in Fort Collins.  On January 10, Chuck Hundertmark and Chris 
Wood reported Yellow-throated Warbler at 1520 W. Mountain.  On January 15, 
Forrest Luke reported Yellow-throated Warbler at 1520 W. Mountain.  On January 
16, Joe Mammoser reported Yellow-throated Warbler at the Caldwell residence in 
Fort Collins.  On January 17, Scott Manwaring reported Yellow-throated Warbler 
at 1520 W. Mountain in Fort Collins.  On January 21, Dave Leatherman, Norm 
Lewis and Nina Routh reported Yellow-throated Warbler at 1520 W. Mountain in 
Fort Collins.
--On January 1, David Bray found a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker on Hilltop Dr on 
the Loveland CBC.  On January 2, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was reported by David 
Wade and Georgia Doyle in the Hilltop Dr neighborhood.  On January 3, Mark 
Chavez reported Yellow-bellied Sapsucker on Hilltop Dr in Loveland.  On January 
9, Nick Komar and David Wade reported Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Hilltop Dr in 
Loveland.  On January 10, Adams Vesely, Robert Beauchamp, and Denise Bretting 
reported Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Hilltop Drive neighborhood in Loveland.
--On January 1, David Wade reported AMERICAN WOODCOCK by the entrance to 
parking area of Bobcat Ridge NA.
This is the same area where there was an AMERICAN WOODCOCK last year.  This 
year it showed up for the Loveland CBC.  On January 16, Fawn Simond and David 
Steingraeber reported 2 AMERICAN WOODCOCKS at Bobcat Ridge NA.  Fawn included 2 
photos in her eBird post.  On January 17, George James, M Wise, Susan W, Susan 
Quinland, and Scott Manwaring reported AMERICAN WOODCOCK at Bobcat Ridge NA.  
On January 18, Dave Leatherman reported that the AMERICAN WOODCOCK was seen by 
many with the help of Ranger Karl.  Leatherman saw it at Buffam Creek about 150 
yards east of entrance to main parking lot.  On January 20, John Vanderpoel and 
Lisa Edwards reported AMERICAN WOODCOCK at Bobcat Ridge NA.  On January 21, 
Mark Minner-Lee, Dave Leatherman, Norm Lewis, and Nina Routh reported AMERICAN 
WOODCOCK at Bobcat Ridge NA.
--On January 12, Donna Nespoli reported 2 Varied Thrush NW of Lyons.  Contact 
Donna at<>
if you want to try to see the birds.
--On January 17, Glenn Walbek reported Varied Thrush in Lyons on Spring Gulch 
Road.  On January 18, Dale Adams and Kathy Mihm Dunning reported 2 Varied 
Thrush on Spring Gulch Road.
  15 Common Redpolls were reported by Sherrie Duris at Moraine Park in Rocky Mt 
NP on January 21.  They were feeding on catkins.

--A f Barrow's Goldeneye was reported by Lee Stigen at Grand Junction WA on 
January 11.
--5 Trumpeter Swans were reported by Mike Henwood at Jerry Creek Reservoirs SWA 
on January 12.  On January 13, Beth Wolff reported 5 Trumpeter Swans at Jerry 
Creek Reserovirs SWA.
--A Lark Sparrow was reported by Nic Korte on Tumacanbac Route on January 21.
--Mike Henwood reported a flock of about 40 Rosy-Finches of all three species 
at Colorado National Monument in an area between the two tunnels above the West 
(Fruita) entrance on January 21.
--4 Trumpeter Swans were reported by Carol Ortenzio at Connected Lakes SP, Blue 
Heron Section on January 22.

--All three species of Rosy-Finches were reported by Dick Filby at top of Sam's 
Knob at Snowmass on January 21.  He will repeat giving a bird talk there every 
Thursday at 1100 for the next 4 weeks.  You will need access to Sam's Knob by
walking or purchasing a chair lift ticket.  Contact him at dickfilby AT<> for details.

--White-throated Swifts were seen by Pearl Sandstrom-Smith and Clif Smith by 
Valco Ponds on January 2.  On January 3, Margie Joy reported 20+ White-throated 
Swifts below Pueblo Reservoir Dam.  On January 5,  Bill Maynard reported 
White-throated Swifts downstream of dam at Pueblo Reservoir.  On January 6, 
John Drummond reported 8 White-throated Swifts below Pueblo Reservoir dam.  On 
January 12, Brandon Percival reported 10+ White-throated Swifts flying over 
Pueblo Reservoir Dam.  On January 7, Stephany McNew reported 5 White-throated 
Swifts in the Rock Canyon area below Pueblo Reservoir dam.
--On January 12, Brandon Percival reported Lesser Black-backed Gulls (2 1-st 
cyc, 2 ad) and Thayer's Gulls (1 ad, 2 juv), ad Glaucous Gull, and ad Great 
Black-backed Gull at S Shore Marina of Pueblo Reservoir.
--On January 17, Brandon Percival reported Black Phoebe, Great Black-backed 
Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull and White-throated Swifts at Pueblo Reservoir.  
Bill Kaempfer reported 1 Glaucous Gull, 1 Great Black-backed Gull, 2 Thayer's 
Gulls, and 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at Pueblo Reservoir.
--On January 18, Brandon Percival, Stephany McNew, and RIchard Bunn reported 
Red Phalarope at North Shore Marina of Pueblo Reservoir.  This is the first 
winter record of Red Phalrope for Colorado.
--Red-necked Grebes were reported by Brandon Percival at both Marinas, 1 at 
South Shore and 2 at North Shore on January 18.
--On January 18 at South Shore Marina, Brandon Percival reported 2 Glaucous 
Gulls (1ad, 1 imm), 1 ad Great Black-backed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gulls 
(ad, 1-st cyc), Thayer's Gulls (ad, juv).  On January 22, Dan Stringer reported 
Curve-billed Thrasher, Lesser Black-backed Gull, and Great Black-backed Gull at 
South Shore Marina of Pueblo Reservoir.
--A Black Phoebe was reported by Brandon Percival below the dam at Pueblo 
Reservoir on January 18.
--A Greater Roadrunner was reported by Dan Stringer by the Sailboard Launch 
Area of Pueblo Reservoir on January 22.
--7 White-winged Doves were reported by Dan Stringer in the Sunset Nieghborhood 
of Pueblo on January 22.

--8 Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by Todd Deininger at Silverthorne Sewage 
Treatment Plant on January 15.

--All 3 Rosy-Finch species were reported by Cici Lee in Victor on December 31.  
There were at a 'Blue" house on Diamond past 4th St.  On January 13, Bill 
Maynard reported all 3 Rosy-Finch species in Victor.

--On January 8, Gary Lefko reported 4 Lapland Longspurs on CR 10 between CR 27 
and CR 23.
--On January 10, 4 Sharp-tailed Grouse were reported by Chris Wood at the 
intersection of CR 136 and CR 99.

DFO Field Trips:
The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, January 23 will be Parker Regional Park led by 
Buzz Schaumber (EGSEAGLE171 AT<>; 
303-478-4641<tel:303-478-4641>).   Meet at 0800 at McCabe Meadows parking lot 
in Salisbury Park (Parker Regional Park).  From Main St intersection in Parker, 
go south on Parker Rd (CO 83) for 1.2 miles.  Turn right on Indianpipe Lane and 
right into McCabe Meadows parking lot.  We will bird along Cherry Creek Trail.  
Dress for weather.   Bring snacks and water for 3 hour hike.  Register online 
or contact leader.

The DFO FIeld Trip for Sunday January 24 will be to Rock Rocks Park led by 
George Mayfield and Karen Drozda (georgemayfield At<>; 720-238-9395<tel:720-238-9395>).  This trip is 

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine
Boulder, CO

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