Pre-dawn stops produced 4 *Common Poorwills* at Cathy Johnson Trail near
Deer Creek Road and South Valley Park, and 1 *poorwill *near Mann Reservoir
in South Valley Park. The wetland area near the south end of the park
had 6 *Wilson's
Snipe* winnowing and chipping (very cool) and 1 *Virginia Rail*.

With daylight up, Chatfield SP yielded a nice variety of things, although
numbers of most migrants remain low. A highlight was provided by 2 *Cattle
Egrets* that came south over the dam and landed at the Swim Beach. when I
went there to look for them, a dog was active on the beach and they had
apparently departed but it seems like they may have stayed at the lake.
First of Season landbird migrants for me were *American Redstart*,
Chat* (2), *Grasshopper Sparrow* and *Bullock's Oriole*. Two *Eastern
Phoebes* were on territory near Kingfisher Bridge, and another was calling
along Plum Creek just downstream of the bridge near the picnic area.

Counts of some of the other landbird migrants were *Least Flycatcher*
(3), *Dusky
Flycatcher* (1), *Western Kingbird* (1), *Loggerhead Shrike* (1), *Blue-gray
Gnatcatcher* (2), *Swainson's Thrush* (1), *Gray Catbird* (1), *Orange-crowned
Warbler* (5), *Virginia's Warbler* (1), *Yellow-rumped Warbler* (87), *Yellow
Warbler* (1), *Western Tanager* (1), *Chipping Sparrow* (45), *Clay-colored
Sparrow* (1), *Brewer's Sparrow* (1), *Lark Sparrow* (2), *Vesper Sparrow*
(15), and *Green-tailed Towhee* (2).

There were *White-faced Ibis* (9), *Broad-winged Hawk*, *Osprey*, *Peregrine
Falcon*, and *Bald Eagle*.  Shorebirds included *Killdeer* (4), *Am. Avocet*
(3), *Marbled Godwit*, *Willet* (6), *Spotted Sandpiper* (9), *Solitary
Sandpiper*, *Western Sandpiper*, *Least Sandpiper* (2), and *Wilson's
Phalarope* (2).

Counts of ducks were *Wood Duck* (3), *Gadwall* (8), *Mallard *(74),
Teal* (4), *Cinnamon Teal* (2), *Northern Shoveler* (11), *Green-winged
Teal *(1), *Bufflehead* (1), *Ruddy Duck *(13) and *Common Merganser* (25).

Robert A. Easton Park had even fewer ducks than the other day; Lesser scaup
were gone, but 31 *Bufflehead *lingered on. Also 2 *Wilson's
Phalaropes*, 1 *Green-tailed
Towhee*, and 1 *Burrowing Owl *that was up above ground.

At Massey Draw near my home (no public access) I had my FOS *Wilson's
Warbler* and a continuing *Harris's Sparrow*.

David Suddjian
Ken Caryl Valley
Littleton, CO

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