David Chartier found and I also saw a *Marbled Godwit *this morning, for
like 20 minutes at the State Wildlife Area, in NW side of Pueblo Reservoir,
Pueblo County.  This appears to be an early date for the Pueblo Area (by
one day).  The godwit got up and flew east, and we didn't see it again.  We
also saw two Common Loons (one in full breeding plumage).  The breeding
plumage Red-necked Grebe was still present as of April 6th, kind of windy
today, when I looked briefly.  Other shorebirds we saw today, were Greater
and Lesser Yellowlegs, American Avocet, Wilson's Snipe and lots of
Killdeer.  Recently, though not today, Baird's Sandpiper and Long-billed
Dowitcher have seen at Pueblo Reservoir SWA.  Both Bonaparte's and
Franklin's Gulls were around today.  I saw Tree, Violet-green, Barn, Cliff,
and Bank Swallows today.  I saw one Savannah Sparrow in SWA, on third time
I was there today.  These shorebird places seem to get different birds, off
and on all day.  Some getting late ducks, were a female Common Goldeneye
and a male and female Hooded Mergansers.  Breeding plumage Eared and Horned
Grebes were around today as well.  Lots of other ducks were present around
Pueblo Reservoir and the SWA.

Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO

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