I had the good fortune of a wood-pewee showing up outside my office window
this morning (3085 Center Green Drive, northeast Boulder).  Took some poor
digibinned photos (in linked checklist below).

I found this bird to lean more towards Eastern than Western Wood-pewee.
Because this is an immature bird, I am hesitant of the colorations since it
is a hatch-year bird.

   - Strong buffy wingbars of equivalent brightness to each other.
   - Long primaries compared to tail.
   - Coloration of back and head seemed more brownish (dirty) than grayish
   (rather than ashy).
   - Vested look is much more like Olive-sided Flycatcher than the washed
   out Western Wood-pewee I am used to. This individual showed a distinct
   open-vested look with an obvious white stripe down its chest.
   - When viewed from below, the undertail coverts seemed more yellowy, and
   less smudged than I have seen previously with Western Wood-pewee.
   - Maxilla dark.
   - Mostly yellow mandible (70-80%).
   - Eyering.
   - Crested look at times.
   - No tail flicking.

Bird still present as of 11:10am.
Along the railroad tracks west of Center Green 2 (3085 Center Green Drive).

Here is my eBird checklist if anyone needs to see the photos.

Feel free to refute this claim as well as this would be a first for me in
terms of differentiating.  Seen plenty of both species, just never found
one in the "others territory".

Bryan Guarente
Meteorologist/Instructional Designer
UCAR/The COMET Program
Boulder, CO

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