If you are like me, you try to figure out the bird sounds you hear on movie 
soundtracks or in the background of live TV events (written your book yet, Eric 
DeFonso?).  There has been a little chatter (sorry) about Chimney Swifts on 
COBIRDS involving the unique rehab of young swifts and their release by Nancy 
Kelley of Pueblo.  Nice job, Nancy.  Yesterday I got a "TV lifer", I think.  
Televised golf events have long been a source of bird sound as backdrop for the 
sheer excitement of watching grown humans wearing garish cloths walk down 
strips of mowed grass to hit little white balls with big sticks hoping they 
disappear into holes so they can retrieve them and repeat the whole process 17 
more times.  That happened yesterday in the Fed Ex Cup tournament near Lake 
Erie where the winner actually received the absurd purse of $15,000,000.  What 
could the environmental movement do with that?  But I digress.  The producers 
of golf tournaments have been chided in the past for playing bird sound 
backdrops that were obviously recorded somewhere other than the site of the 
actual play being presented.  Cactus wrens at Augusta, Georgia kind of 
goof-ups.  Usually the birds one hears are mockingbirds, cardinals, blue jays, 
eastern pewees, pine warblers (or are those chipping sparrows) and Carolina 
wrens.  Well, yesterday it was the staccato chip of a downy woodpecker followed 
by chimney swift chittering.  Over and over and over.  Same clip for hours.  At 
first I was excited to hear a new one, the swifts, on TV, but then it became 
downright distracting.  Would the golfer break concentration as the swifts 
zoomed overhead right when he was about to putt?  Of course, not.  He couldn't 
hear any of it, just those of us in our easy chairs.  Then I got to thinking, 
most of the swifts in northern Colorado have pulled out.  Are they still 
present in Cleveland?  When was the tape made?  Was it really local, and do the 
birds forage over a golf course?  Who made the decision the woodpecker-swift 
combo would enhance the broadcast?  Does that person still have a job?

So here's my real reason for this note.  As stated, our local swifts in Fort 
Collins, which were way down in number this year BTW, usually disappear in 
mid-August.  I see no chimney swifts for multiple weeks, then there is a period 
of a couple weeks, sometimes clear into October, when I hear swifts moving 
south.  What is up with that?  Obviously, the late swifts are migrants, but why 
would autumn-migrant northern birds, if they are northern birds, migrate later 
than southern birds?   Is the timing of birds leaving here determined by 
excessive heat, while the northern birds are stimulated by more normal 
migration influences like day-length, colder nighttime temps and dwindling prey 
availability?  Have others noted this gap in swift detections in late 
summer-early autumn, and does anybody have an explanation?

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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