Greetings Birders,

I had the great fortune today to see a Lesser Nighthawk flying over North 
shields Ponds NA in Fort Collins. Several years ago I saw a late October 
Nighthawk also at N Shields Ponds, at that time, I just assumed it was a 
Common Nighthawk. A year or two later I read Tony Leukerings' CoBirds 
article about nighthawks and realized that a late season nighthawk should 
be carefully scrutinized because there is a good chance it could be a 
Lesser. So, I studied up on Nighthawk identification and it has payed off. 
I was prepared to quickly assess the shape of the wing, placement of the 
white wing stripe and the characteristics of their flight style. 
Unfortunately, the bird was out of range by the time I had my camera out. I 
doubt it will be chaseable but prepared birders might catch sight of it as 
it moves south along the front range. Good luck.

David Wade
Fort Collins, CO

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