Hi all

Just returned from Crom Lake [Pierce] ... loads of shorebirds:

   - Red-necked Phalarope - 11
   - Wilson's Phalarope - 60-70
   - Willet - 23
   - Long-billed Dowitcher - 6
   - Marbled Godwit - 4
   - Killdeer - 5
   - Western Sandpiper - 1
   - Least Sandpiper - 2
   - Spotted Sandpiper - 1
   - American Avocet - 8
   - Semipalmated Plover - 1
   - Lesser Yellowlegs - 2

Weld CR 84 marsh no shorebirds which was surprising given Crom #s only 3 
miles north.

Photos soon.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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