Hello COBirders!
The CFO YouTube Channel
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxBP3yA5x0dxoAKooAFZ0lw> is a great place
to see past CFO Speaker presentations like Scott Yanco's Flammulated Owl
talk or Bryan Guarente's talk on interpreting weather's effects on bird
migration. There are also recorded birding skill workshops on Raptor and
Gull identification.

If just 16 more people subscribe to the channel, we will be able to give it
an official name instead of this:

So what are you waiting for?! Visit the CFO YouTube Channel
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxBP3yA5x0dxoAKooAFZ0lw> today and

Peter Burke

Colorado Birds Managing Editor

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