I have a small flock of Yellow headed-blackbirds on the southeast shore of 
Highland Lake near Mead, in Weld County.

These are the first that I have observed at the lake in probably 30 years. They 
used to come every year for a while but never stayed. This year it appears that 
at least four males are vigorously defending their spots in the cattails. They 
are mixed in with some Red-winged blackbirds that are also defending nesting 
spots. I also noticed a nest on one of the taller reeds, a little above the 

At least of couple birds have the yellow throats and chest, but the yellow does 
not extend up over their heads. Just as bright yellow as the obvious males. Are 
these females? I first noticed them because their calls are just plain weird, 
might even be called awful. Different than I have heard in a very long time.

I've also noticed a pair of birds sitting on the power lines along my property 
line that I also have never seen before here. I was driving home and by the 
time I got into the house, found my binoculars and went back out, there were 
gone. They looked larger than a house finch, but were all bright red with brown 
wings. Seems I remember a little bit of white streaks on the wings, but not 
positive. I'm keeping a watchful eye out to see if they show up again.
Pauli Smith Highlandlake/Mead, Weld  County.

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