Tonight, November 16th at 7:00 pm, Aiken Audubon offers a presentation on 
western National Monuments by Mike Endres. Please join us in person or via 

Mike is the author of the Colorado Mountain Club *Guide to Western National 
and spent roughly 5 years researching the monuments for this guide, 
visiting most of them two or three times. The signed guide book will be on 
sale after the presentation for a discounted price of $20.

The Antiquities Act of 1906 has been instrumental in the conservation and 
preservation of critical lands across our nation. The ease with which it 
can be used by a sitting President is demonstrated by the fact that all but 
two Presidents have proclaimed at least one National Monument during their 
time in office. Many of our current National Parks were first a National 
Monument. These lands are often just as breathtaking as the Parks but 
typically more isolated and with far fewer visitors. In short, an 
overlander's dream. Join Mike as he details the unlimited opportunities 
these lands offer.

This will be an in-person meeting held at the Colorado Parks & Wildlife 
Office located at 4255 Sinton Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80907.  

Participants will also be able to join via Zoom.

Click here to join Zoom meeting 

Meeting ID: 861 1755 4788
Passcode: 455629

Linda Hodges
Aiken Audubon
Colorado Springs

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