On Wed, 12 Oct 2016, Christophe LEROY wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to compile coccinelle on a CentOS 6 system, and I'm facing
> the following compilation error.
> I have the following version of ocaml: ocaml-3.12.0-21.el6.i686

Unforuntately, Coccinelle no longer supports OCaml 3.12 which is quite
old.  Perhaps you can install opam and thus obtain a more recent version
of OCaml independent of CentOS?


> What can be done to solve this issue ?
> /usr/bin/ocamlc.opt -unsafe -I pyml-current -custom -cclib -lpyml_stubs
> -c pyml-current/py.ml -o pyml-current/py.cmo
> File "pyml-current/py.ml", line 500, characters 11-15:
> Error: This expression has type t but an expression was expected of type
>           string option option
> make[6]: *** [pyml-current/py.cmo] Erreur 2
> make[6]: quittant le répertoire « /root/coccinelle-1.0.6/bundles/pyml »
> make[5]: *** [all.opt] Erreur 2
> make[5]: quittant le répertoire « /root/coccinelle-1.0.6/bundles/pyml »
> make[4]: *** [/root/coccinelle-1.0.6/bundles/pyml/.opt] Erreur 2
> make[4]: quittant le répertoire « /root/coccinelle-1.0.6 »
> make[3]: *** [subdirs.opt] Erreur 1
> make[3]: quittant le répertoire « /root/coccinelle-1.0.6 »
> make[2]: *** [opt-compil] Erreur 2
> make[2]: quittant le répertoire « /root/coccinelle-1.0.6 »
> make[1]: *** [all-release] Erreur 2
> make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /root/coccinelle-1.0.6 »
> make: *** [all] Erreur 2
> Christophe
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