> … - the problem though is that I'm unable
> to insert the (__force __be16) cast in the patch rule as
> coccinelle is refusing hose lines. …

It seems that I can not help directly with this concern. But a few other
implementation details in your approach caught also my development attention
once more.

1. A disjunction is used for the SmPL rule “acheck”.
   I find that duplicated SmPL code can be avoided there.
   How do you think about to specify the desired function names
   by a corresponding SmPL constraint or a nested disjunction?

2. The addition of a cast can be specified in a more succinct way
   for the SmPL rule “afix”.

3. The specification “@script:python depends on patch@” might result in
   undesirable data output.
   Would you like to select an other output channel than
   for the generated diff?

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